Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My ideas about authority:

(probably should have renamed my blog...)

We all have so many ideas of ourselves. But never look at when and how they got created.

Sometimes it doesn’t matter when you first got these ideas, but what matters is that you see them.

We must see that these ideas are so limited and really stupid.

No use having them.

Ill start with my authority ideas:

I grew up in a family were you must respect your father no matter what.

You must listen to your teacher and respect her.

You must listen to your school principle and fear him, because he has power over you.

You must be inferior to those with more power.

People are more superior if they have more knowledge.

You are definitely below your boss, he can fire you so please him and fear him.

You are inferior to those who are stronger than you.

The bigger your ego, the more “manly” you are, the better you are than everybody else.

If you have more skills than others, you are better than them.

If what you do is the minority of what others do, you are less than them.

If you are inferior, you are worthless. If you are worthless you cant do anything.

So, if you have more knowledge, a bigger ego, more power, stronger, and do not conform, you are inferior and therefore must give way to the others and fear them because they can make your life miserable… O ya, you must also fear god, and out of that fear you must believe him.

So I’ve accepted these ideas within me and acted accordingly to them lest I be an outcast.

I forgive myself for allowing myself to accept these ideas within my world.

I forgive myself for allowing myself to want to be in others worlds.

I forgive myself for allowing myself to fear being alone.

I forgive myself for allowing myself to believe that im inferior.

I forgive myself for allowing myself to fear people with more knowledge me, more power than me, that are bigger than me.

I forgive myself for allowing myself to conform towards society, to want to fit in even if it means to compromise myself.

I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to give way to with more knowledge me, more power than me, that are bigger than me.

I forgive myself for allowing myself to be defensive around those that I perceive to be superior than me.

I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to abuse those that I perceive to be inferior to me.

I forgive myself for not wanting to see myself as equal to others.

I forgive myself for allowing myself to abuse myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted myself as being worthless and therefore cant do anything and need guidance from those that are superior than me.

I forgive myself for seeking direction from those that are superior than me.

I forgive myself for allowing myself to think I must listen to those that I perceive to be superior than me.

I forgive myself for not standing up for myself and let thins slide by me because im too afraid to speak up.

I forgive myself for not speaking up when I see things in others because I fear their reactions.

Superiority does not exist

Inferiority does not exist.

It is all in and of the mind and not me.

Authority does not exist.

I am not worthless.

I am me.


Jake said...

Hi Fidelis, the authority thing is a great cover to veil a person's real opinion about something. Seeing through authority is a must.

Marie-Yvonne said...

Seems like I've been dealing with what you’re talking about all my life... oh, yeah I have. Talking about it helps, but it is something we all need to work out ourselves, no one else has the answer but sometimes reading books has helped me a lot, people in circumstances I can relate to, or learning the things I need to that I never did before, simple things like taking care of myself…letting go of guilt.
If you are interested some of them are listed on my blog:

Nice to come across your blog Fidelis ;)